
Hello My Lovelies :) x

   Welcome to my BRAND NEW BLOG. I wanted a little piece of the internet to put all the things I love the most on. So here it is. I wanted this blog to be a little personal diary of everything I want to keep and cherish so I hope you all enjoy what you see or read.

   I have a page on "ALL ABOUT ME" so if you would like to read up on things about me then please feel free to read up on that :). On this blog I want to do a little bit of everything that I love to do.

   So I really loved lifestyle; so DECLUTTERING, ORGANISING, EVENT PLANNING & DIYS. I also love beauty and makeup; so I want to do little product reviews here and there for you guys. Show you my favourite makeup and skincare bits. I also love fashion but not as much as makeup and lifestyle so there might be a few pop ups of fashion posts here and there. I am also PREGNANT which is super exciting so I am wanting to do a few post on my trimesters and hauls and just everything to do with babies and being pregnant, I have already got 3 posts in my notes to put up on my first and second trimester so keep an eye out for them :). I also like fitness and health; so fitness routines, cooking, healthy meals, etc so I hope there is something you enjoy here as I want to express myself through out my blog :).

   Please feel free to leave a comment, contact me, add me on snapchat if you like as i also post on there but I am planning on making this blog my main area of communication :).

   So welcome to my new blog and I hope you enjoy.

Much Love

