Decluttering My Life.

Hey My Lovelies :) x

   I have decided I need to declutter my life, from clothes to make up from haircare to skincare. I just want to get rid of a ton of beauty stuff I just don’t need or use.

   These are the things I really want to do:

1. Start thinking about my future
2. Begin organising my life
3. Declutter everything in my life.

   So the first one is simple, I need to stop wasting money on 'MAKEUP' 'SKINCARE' 'HAIRCARE' and anything silly that I just don't need in my life, which is going to be difficult but I feel like I have gotten to the stage in my life where I am ready to grow up and become a mum to my little prince and make sure my man is 100% happy, that is all I care about at the moment. 

   The second point it also quite simple, I just need to make sure I budget every single month and keep a note of everything that 1. I Buy 2. I Save 3. Get into a productive routine.

    So that is the first 2 taken care off (i will go through them in another post but this post is purely for my decluttering series. 

   It has come to the point in my life where I am fed up with clutter, if I could I would literally get rid of EVERYTHING and start again from scratch but sadly I can't so I have been going through every aspect of my life and decluttering it bit by bit, as we are moving to a smaller house and I just want it to be perfect with no clutter and clever storage ideas.

   These are going to be the areas I am going to be decluttering;

1. Makeup
2. Skincare
3. Haircare
4. Nail polish
5. Bodycare
6. Clothes
7. Perfumes
8. Dinner wear
9. Towels
10. Food

   In the next few months I might be able to add more sections but for the time being I am going to be focusing on these 10 points. 

   So I hope you enjoy my decluttering posts and please don't forget to subscribe on the home page to keep up to date with anything I am doing in my life :) 

   Much Love 

