Mummy Diaries; 1st Trimester

Hello Lovlies :)

   So today I am currently a little over 8 weeks, I am going to be updating this every so often until I come to the end of the 1st trimester so I hope you don't mind this is going to be long.

   So I have been having a lot of different symptoms;

  • DULL CRAMPING; I have had this since I first found out, it is not as bad as period pain, its not sore I just know it is there. It comes and goes and sometimes it feels like something is being stretched in that area (its a strange sensation)
  • SORE BRESTS; This was another symptom I have had since I first found out and they are only getting worse! I cannot touch them they are SO sore. If I lie down for a long time when I get up they are sooooo heavy! 
  • BLOATING; It honestly looks like I have a bump already lol but it is just the bloating which is so bloody uncomfortable.
  • MORNING SICKNESS; I actually jinxed myself I was feeling okay until i said to my manager that I was feeling lucky I didnt have any morning sickness, then the next day I was struck by it lol. Its not nice at all, I havent been physically sick just feeling sick which is much worse.
  • HEADACHE; I HATE sore heads I havent had much but they come and go to.

  I haven't had much cravings so far just a few;

   Such a random mix but its what I have been feeling for haha.

   So I am little over 10 weeks and I have just had met my midwife for the first time she was lovely, she went over everything that i needed to know.
   I am feeling sick and it is getting worse this week, anything greasey or chocolatey is a no go. SO NO CHOCOLATE ADVENT CALENDAR for me :( and I havent had crisps in ages either.
   I am struggling to eat anything at the moment, my appetite has defo decreased nothing seems to appeal to me. I have lost 8 pounds which is apparently okay as i was a little overweight when i started so i started at 11st 4lb I think and now i am down to 10st 10lb but I can assure you I dont look any slimmer haha.
    I have been getting more cramps lately but apparently thats normal too, and also alot of back pain. To think i am only 10 weeks is slightly scary haha.

   So I am into the 11th week now, my boobs are killing me, I had my first migraine last week OMG i was freaking out, it started with my right hand going numb and the numbness traveling up my arm over my shoulder up my neck to my face and tongue and then i got the migraine. I havent had one in like 10 years! It was a shock to me haha, but it actually only lasted a few hours and went away i just kept drinking water and made sure i was in a dark room.
   I am also craving water :/ haha which is a good thing i guess and also ice poles still yum yum, and I have been eating a lot of fruit like ive never drank water and ate fruit this much in my life haha.

   So that is everything that has happened over the past 11/12 weeks, hopefully the sickness goes away haha but we shall see :)

Much Love
