Mummy Diaries; 2nd Trimester

Hello My Lovelies :) x

   So it is nearly the end of my second trimester which is Scary!! So I have been keeping a note of everything that has been happening from weeks 13 - 28.

   Today I am a little over 15 weeks when I am writing this pat. The sickness has gone thank goodness and I do have a lot more energy. I am able to do more around the house and do more walking and stuff. I havent actually felt ill in a little while.

   Sorry I haven't updated much nothing has really happened/changed for me to update you. So now I am currently 17 and a half weeks, it seems to be flying in but when I am writing these out it does seem like I have been pregnant for forever haha. So anyway still no sickness but I have been getting a lot of HEARTBURN. Last week I had a full week of sleepless nights as I kept Having really bad heartburn, and nothing seemed to help. I was trying to drink milk which helped a little and then it would come back. I have finally bought gaviscon which I do not know how people can take that stuff it has actually been making me boak, so I am refusing to take it haha Rennies is helping though and they don't taste too bad. 
   I am also having really vivid dreams which I have heard is a normal symptom I can remember every dream which is weird and I am having dreams almost every single night. which isn't great as I feel like I don't get a great night sleep.
   My skin is also suffering this week as spots have come to surface and I don't really get spots which is a little annoying. 

   I have also bought a few bits a bobs which I will show you all in another post or on my snapchat/instagram (alanaaaaxoxo7) for my snapchat and instagram is linked above in the home page. 

   Hey guys haven't updated you on a lot the past couple of weeks, I am currently 21 weeks and 6 days, still getting the heartburn and I am LOVING the aldi version of muller banana and chocolate flake yogurts, like I am eating one a day or maybe even 2. I haven't got much more cravings tbh if am wanting something it is usually just a one off thing. 
    I am feeling him flutter and kick about now which is insane and I am starting to look pregnant now which is nice lol. I have only put on on about a stone tho which i don't know if that is a good thing or a bag thing. 

   Hey lovelies so I know i haven't updated you guys on much recently just nothing major has changed so far. I am currently 25 weeks today it is monday 3rd of april which is scary haha. Some weeks fly in whilst other seem to take forever. 
   I have felt my little man move like crazy over the past couple of weeks, he seems to really love cold water or fizzy fruit juice lol. I haven't had any sickness since the first trimester which I am so so happy about, i have been getting heartburn like crazy! which is probably the only symptom that is really getting at me. I have woken up in the morning a few times with really bad cramping in my lower legs which is PAINFUL!! omg I wake up crying sometimes lol. Other than that nothing major, today and the past couple of days the tiredness has definitely made a come back. I get to a stage in the afternoon and I just want to sleep haha. My skin is hmmm well some days it looks amazing and others it just meh! and my nails are more brittle i have notice when I cut them and they break easily which I am not sure if this is normal or not, and my hair I HAVE NO IDEA HOW TO DEAL WITH IT!!! I have never had a lot of hair so now that it is so thick I have no idea how to style it or anything haha! 

   Went to see my midwife for my 22nd week checkup but I didn't go until 24 weeks (my docs are a nightmare to get appointments with) and it was just a regular checkup and she answered a few of my questions and gave me stuff for my heartburn YIPEE!! we also got to hear our little man's heartbeat which was so surreal it was amazing! and she said everything seem 100% perfect with my weight and how much weight I am putting on and I can definitely see my belly getting bigger and more solid which is amazing I cannot believe I am over half way to meeting my little man! I cannot wait honestly. 

   So anyway nothing else to update you on at the moment nothing else really happening apart from being kicked about all day long but him haha! which I don't mind I love the feeling. So I will keep you more updated when anything else happens :)  

   So i am now 27 weeks and 6 days which means i have 2 days until I enter the third and final trimester! which is scary and very very exciting. 
   Sorry I haven't kept you all updated from the last time I updated this post, I have been busy moving into our new home and its more stressful and time consuming than you think even if you are very well organised ha. 
   So anyway nothing again major has changed, I can feel him move a lot lot more and it is more like moving rather than random kicks and punches lol i can feel him if I am sitting still of laying in the bath. The only real annoying symptom I have been getting from week 22 is major heartburn in which case my midwife actually had to give me medicine for it as supermarket stuff just wasn't working at all. It helps but doesn't get rid of it completely :(. The tiredness is slowly making a return I can feel when it comes to 5/6 at night since 1) i have been moving and that can be very tiring. 2) getting up early for some reason I have been waking up at around 6.30 every morning and so that makes me more tired when it comes to 5/6 in the evening. I actually had to got for a quick nap the other day which I haven't done since the first trimester which is i suppose good? I'm not sure haha but anyway that is all i can really update you on, the next post will be up obviously at the end of my pregnancy! so keep an eye on that :) I hope you enjoy these little updates :D please leave comments I love reading them :D 

much love 

