My Life...

Hello My Lovelies :) x

   So I really wanted to do a post on my life.
In the past year my life has finally started to take shape, you always hear people say whats made for you won't got past you kind of quote. I always felt that my life was never going to move forward and I was just going to be stuck where I was with no progress or achievement.

   I haven't have a bad childhood, I have a mum and a dad who love me to pieces and have always made sure I got what I needed, key word there is needed. They never spoilt me which I am actually really grateful for as I now appreciate when I buy things for myself, I want to work hard and get something with my own money at the end of each month or save up for something and when I finally get it I feel good.

   Even though I had a great childhood thanks to my parents, I feel like I was never truly happy elsewhere so school and friends etc... I was always the shy one who did have friends but friends that would take me for granted I feel like, I was bulled quite a lot, not for the way I looked or anything like that but I always remember certain pieces of primary school and high school where it did bring on a lot of anxiety.

   Then when I started work and I headed into the "real world" as they like to say I realised just how dishonest and disrespectful people can actually be. How people could treat other people they way they do. I don't know why people can't just be civil and pleasant towards each other and not be so nasty and cruel. At this point I never seen myself where I am today and I never thought I would ever get "my happy ending".

   Well I finally have found my happy ending, I have never been so happy and to think it was staring right at me when I was 16/17.

   Right now my life couldn't get any better, well it could I could win the lottery haha, but I have everything I could ever need in my life right now;

   I have a man who actually treats me the way I have always wanted to be treated, he is caring and funny. He knows how to have a laugh and he always makes me laugh, he actually buys me flowers without me even having to hint at him which is something I have always wanted haha he's just amazing, I love him so much and I can't believe it was our 1 year anniversary in feb this year it has flown by and to think I have actually known him for 7ish years as I worked with him but we never crossed paths and now we are together and its amazing.

   I have an amazing little doggy, which I have always wanted and she is full of personality, I love her to pieces she is a little doggy diva and she is amazing so cute and she is the most hilarious little thing you'll ever meet.

   We finally have move on a step with a house, it is still rented but we have moved from a little flat in a not so good area to a lovely family home with a garden and it is just amazing. I never really felt at home in the flat but now I feel so comfortable in my own home and I have added my own little touches here and there and it just makes it more homely and I cannot wait to make more memories within the home like my birthday and baby shower and christmas. I just cannot wait to see what this next year brings us.

   And finally for now I am expecting my first little prince and I am so excited, happy, emotional and I just want to meet him so much. I never seen myself being pregnant as I feel it is one of those things where you say it will never happen to me kind of thing but it did and it has been the best 6 months so far and I cannot wait to have again amazing memories with him in our new home and take him on holidays and just spoil him and teach him and watch him grow up.

  So you could say I have a great life, I have a man who loves me and makes it obvious that he does, I have my little doggy who I love to pieces, We have our first home and I am so happy just waking up to a brand-new start is amazing and am so excited that in 3 months time we will have another addition to the family. I also have a great job and great family who always support me and I have finally realised that you can't trust everyone and not everyone is going to like you but the ones who do they are they ones you need to keep in your life.

   So anyway I just wanted to start of my blog with a little post on my life and I hope you enjoyed it :)

Much Love
