Our Second Family Holiday

Hello My Lovelies :) x

   We have just came back from our second family holiday to Tummel Valley which is still in Scotland but it is about 1hr and 30 mins drive from where we stay. It was a caravan holiday with park dean, I have never actually used this company before it has always been haven and I must say I don't think we will be back tbh. It was a good holiday and it was time away and we just relaxed and chilled but other than that I can't say I will want to go back I would rather go back to craig tara which was 100 times better. Anyway I still want to document all of our holidays, the good and the bad, so here we go :).

   We set of on the Monday 22nd May 2017 at around 2pm and we headed off to stuarts mums house first to see his parents for a little while, after about half an hour we set off. It was a really easy road to go, we were basically on the motorway for 80% of the journey but then we come to this HORRIBLE thin and narrow road! OH MY GOD it was so scary and it was supposed to be a 60mph speed limit which is INSANE! I was panicking at doing 30mph! lol but we got there in one piece. So when we arrived we noticed that it didn't look as big as we thought (the whole site we mean) so I went to collect the keys and we found our caravan which was an OK one, there were a lot of scratches and dents in the doors etc but hey ho! We unpacked and by this time it was bucketing down with rain so heavy that it almost caused a flood right out side our caravan haha so we were basically stuck there that night. We made lunch and chilled for a little and then we braved the rain and wind to go to the chippy that was there. I got a sausage supper and stuart got fish (dunno why you need to know this but hey ho haha) it was the WORST chippy I have ever had ever stuart didn't like it and he isn't as fussy as me. The chips weren't cooked right and were still half raw (BOAK) and the sausage was so disgusting and greasey (like extra extra greasy) I couldn't eat it. So we sat in the caravan the first night which sucked tbh and then we went to bed.

   Next morning the weather wasn't great but atleast the rain had stopped. the bed was so comfy tho (the one thing in the caravan I actually liked). I made breakfast and then we got ready and took Molly on the "FOREST WALK" and when they say forest walk it was impossible for the normal human specially a pregnant one haha. it was all up steep hills and rocky paths and omg I thought I was going to die lol my legs were killing me and it really wasn't for me when I am pregnant, i would normally love this sort of thing tho!. It took us about 30 mins to go all the way around and I was so happy when it was over haha. When we got back to the caravan we just relaxed again watching some TV. We decided to try the restaurant this night as we thought this can't be as bad as the chippy. We got ready and headed over, I got gammon steak and chips and stuart got a burger which was AMAZING!!!!!! finally something good to come from this holiday. it was a little expensive but omg it was so yummy. We then got the rip and dip donut stand which was also AMAZING!!!!! Then we took molly out another walk around the site.


   The Wednesday (lets not get into it) it was sooooooooooooooo boring. The arcade was tiny so we didn't go for long there and then the pool was so small you had to book into get it and there was always something else on to stop you booking so we just didn't bother going swimming so the Wednesday I think we went 3/4 walks around the site and then sat in the caravan all day doing NOTHING! :(

   Next day was the hottest day at around 23 degrees it was SO FREAKING HOT that it was so hard to even move without sweating (disgusting I know), the caravan was like a sauna and so we went back up to the forest walk but nope got to the first section and Molly couldn't go any further and I was too hot also. So we went back and sat on the steps outside the caravan for ages soaking in the sun. We then sat inside watching rubbish TV (this post is so negative but honestly there was just nothing to do, signal wasn't great on the phone and there was nothing on the few channels we got on TV) and then we got ready for another meal at the restaurant. This time we both got Lasagne which was again AMAZING!!!!! We then went back to the caravan ate a tub of ice cream between us and then went to bed :( this is such a boring post haha.

   And that was our second family holiday, I am so so disappointed in this holiday, there was just nothing to do and there was no service on the phone or any really good channels or programmes on tv so I hope you don't mind this rubbish post haha but I do want to capture every single holiday haha :) anyway I hope you all have a lovely day :)

Much Love
