Throw Back...Our First Family Holiday

Hello My Lovelies :) x

   It is almost time for us to go on holiday and I thought I would do a little throw back to last year where we went on our first ever family holiday to Craig Tara. It was just a caravan holiday and still in scotland but it was amazing to just get away for a full week just the three of us to chill, relax and just not have to worry about anything apart from what we were going to do that day.

   So we went on holiday last year on september 5th 2016. We went to a little place near Ayrshire I believe called Craig Tara it is one of the holiday parks by Haven. We just wanted to get a way for the week as life was stressful for a number of different reasons and it was just great to get away.

   We left on the Monday (5th), We got up and went for a McDonalds breakfast which was amazing!! Then I went to aldi to pick up some shopping for the 3 nights we were away for. We then set of around 2 pm as Maps said it would take roughly 2 hours to get there and we couldn't sign in until 4pm. I drove (which I was scared lol, I had never driven out of fife before haha) but we got there in one piece. I found the reception and got my keys to the flat which I was not expecting lol I thought we were getting an actual caravan but it was really nice. It has a kitchen, dinning room, living area, shower and toilet obvcourse, and 2 bedrooms. We facetimed our families to show them the flat or apartment if you like. We then unpacked (this is very boring haha) we then took molly a little walk around the whole site just to get our surroundings and see where everything was.

   There was a huge arcade, A swimming pool and we were right next to the beach it was amazing to just wake up and go a lovely breezy beach walk with molly and she loved it.

   It was so good to just spend time together walking and it was a really active holiday we went  swimming every day also it was great.

   There was also little gift shop and there was a papa joes and a chinese trailer and a chippy and a burger king but the restaurant was so so so good.

   This lasagne was delicious and the chips were the best chips I had ever had!!!! and it wasn't too expensive either so so GOOD!.

   This was the 2nd night as we got a papa joes pizza the first night and OMG BEST PIZZA EVER!! but this burger was so so yummy and I loved the bbq sauce and coleslaw omg it was so so good I would just go back just to go the restaurant haha. 

   It wouldn't have been a holiday without a burger king!!!! YUM YUM.

   It is also not a holiday without some DRINKS!!!! the cocktails was amazing and obvcourse a little rose again it was amazing to just be able to have a drink and not worry about the car etc. 

   It was just a really really good holiday and I cannot wait to go away again this year. I do have a vlog on this holiday (link at the end of the post). I hope you enjoy.

   I hope you enjoy this little post, let me know if you are heading anywhere abroad or in your own country. 

Much Love
