My 24th Birthday

Hello My Lovelies :) x

   I AM 24 YEARS OLD!!!! I feel old :(, can't believe that it was my birthday last weekend I had the best weekend ever just spending it with family and stuart :).

   So technically our holiday to Tummel Vally was part of my birthday to just go away and relax. 
Stuart and my family also made the weekend all about my birthday also which was so so nice of them. 

   On the friday when we came home from our holiday (I did do a separate post on our holiday). We went to our local town to just wander around the shops and then we went to my mums house for a bbq with Molly. We were there for about 3/4 hours just chilling outside as it was 27/28 degrees it was SO HOT. We had amazing food, Chicken, steak, burgers, chips, garlic bread all the usual stuff you get when cooking a bbq. My mum even got me a cake and it was so YUMMY!!! 

   On the Saturday, Stuart took me to Edinburgh for the day again it was such nice weather and we just walked all of princes street and up rose street and just checking the shops but it was nice to just get out and walk about. He then took me to TGIFRIDAYS which was AMAZING. I got a mocktail as you all well know I can't drink haha it was really yummy. Stuart got a Strawberry Daiquiri which is MY FAV COCKTAIL EVER :( :(.

   For mains we both got the Jack Daniels Sesame Seed Chicken and Chips with was SOOOOOOOOOO GOOOOOD!!!!!! 

   Then we got some deserts which tbh I was feeling a little sick after haha but again was so yummy. 
I got some brownies and stuart got the fudge cake both looked amazing and mine was so yummy!!. 

   After we had dinner we went looking in shops again. I didn't actually get anything as tbh I don't need anything atm haha so I will save my money for something when I loose a little weight first haha. But it was such a lovely day out and stuart always makes my birthday amazing :). 

   On the Sunday which is my actual Birthday I woke up around 8am as it was SO SUNNY and really warm, the sun didn't stay for very long though haha. I got up and made breakfast and stuart gave me my present (he also paid for the meal yesterday which was AMAZING if I forgot to mention haha). He must have been listening because I said ages ago I really wanted a jewellery set, so a watch, bracelet, necklace and earrings which all match and that is exactly what he got me which is so so pretty I am in love with it!!! I also got money from my mum & dad, gran and auntie and uncle which was so so generous they did not need to get me anything at all. I am planning on saving this money and start putting money towards it every month to start getting some money behind me because as you all know I am rubbish at saving haha.

   My mum then came over for a little while and we went to aldi for some shopping lol, how adult of me haha. Then at around 7pm me and stuart went over to stuarts brothers for dinner he made spagbol which was so yummy!!.

   We chilled and watched tv and then we came home, and that was pretty much my birthday week if you like haha. I hope you enjoyed catching up on my birthday :) I really enjoyed spending time with my family and stuart obv and I love my present from him it is amazing!

Much Love
