My New Morning Routine: Mondays - Fridays

Hello My Lovelies :) x

   Since I have just over 2 months before my little prince comes, I wanted to get myself into a nice routine, I know I know this will probably go straight out of the window when he comes but even if I can take some of the routine each day to keep my home tidy and clean then I will be happy haha.
   So since moving into our new home (which is amazing BTW!) I have never felt so much at home since living with my mum but lets face it living with your parents is amazing and you don't realise it until you leave to live on your own haha. Anyway back to the point, since moving into this amazing home I wanted to get into a routine and make it the best home I could by keeping it clean and tidy and do daily, weekly, monthly and yearly routines to keep it at its best possible condition.


  • 8.00am: Wake up; Take a few minutes to wake up, Take my iron tablet and vitamin. 
  • 8.10am: Get up; Make the bed, open the blinds and windows, put any rubbish into the bin.
  • 8.15am: Go to the bathroom; Do my morning skincare*, brush teeth & jump into the shower*
  • 8.45am: Get ready for the day.
  • 9.00am: Go downstairs; Let molly out, put on a wash & do any dishes from the night before. 
  • 9.20am: BREAKFAST; Clean up afterwards & do the dishes from breakfast. 
  • 9.45am: Do a quick tidy of the house; hang out washing, put dishes away, put any rubbish in the bin, empty recycling bins, empty bins in dinning room, bedroom & bathroom. 
  • 10.00am: Take Molly out for a 15/30 min walk.
  • 10.30am: Come back to the house; have my morning cup of tea :) yes I need this in my day lol. & chill for 30 mins.
  • 11.00am: Prepare Lunch; Cook a healthy lunch and do the dishes when finished.
  • 12.00pm: The end of my morning routine; go out if i need to go out etc. 

   So here is my new morning routine, I know it might be a little boring to some of you but doing this routine 1) keeps my home clean & tidy. 2) keeps me in a good routine so I know what I am going to be doing which means it doesn't stress me out when or if my house becomes unmanageable 3) I just really like doing routines and keeping a plan or to do list haha.

   So I hope you all enjoy these little routines :) Please subscribe and comment it would mean the world to me :) x

Much Love 
