My New Morning Routines - Saturdays

Hello My Lovelies :) x

   So as you all know I love to make plans and routines, it helps me think, keep on track of what I need to be doing and it keeps the stress away haha. I have already done my weekly one which tbh is very very similar to this one but I do a few things differently on a saturday, (i like to chill at the weekend and have treats etc) so here is my Saturday Morning Routine :) I hope you enjoy.


9.00am: Wake Up; Chill in Bed for an hour; watch tv, youtube, check phone etc. 
10.00am: Get Up; Make the bed, open the windows & blinds. 
10.05am: Go To The Bathroom; Do my morning skincare, jump in the shower & brush teeth.
10.30am: Get Ready For The Day; hair, makeup, clothes. 
11.00am: Go Downstairs; take any dirty washing down and put a load of washing on, do the dishes & tidy living room, dinning room & kitchen area. 
11.30am: BREAKFAST. Do any dishes and keep kitchen tidy. 
12.00pm: Have A Nice Relaxing Day. 

   So here is my easy and relaxed morning routine for a Saturday, I know its boring but some people may find it enjoyable haha I know I do when I read up on other peoples routines :). On Saturdays I usually don't leave the house at all OR do the complete opposite and go out the full day. Either to the shops or to my mums house. 

   I hope you enjoyed this quick little post. 

Much Love
