Mummy Diaries; 3rd Trimester

Hello My Lovelies :) x

   I cannot believe I am now in my final weeks of pregnancy some weeks it flew in other weeks felt like they took forever to go buy haha, so anyway just like the last 2 trimester posts I am going to document all of the on goings throughout the final weeks of being pregnant.

   I am currently 29 weeks this week and he has just appeared this bump has gotten out of control. Everything is fine, went for my 28 week check up and got to hear his heartbeat again it was amazing. my belly is 31 inch (i think is the measurement she used). I got my bloods taken for iron and sugars and stuff. I have just got a letter through saying that my iron is rather low and that I need to go to the hospital next week to get iron supplements, which does explain why my skin has wen really pale and am so tired. 
   So I am 30 weeks today only 10 weeks to go I am so excited. I just want July to come already. I have started to notice that my hair and nails seem a lot stronger and healither looking specially my nails they have never been so long and strong and healthy. I am just back from a long walk with my mum and molly and I am so tired haha but I want to keep active as it is so uncomfortable to sit for ages. My ankles and hands seem to have decreased and don't seem to be as swollen which is a good thing. The past couple of days I was getting a little rash on my chest and lower arms which was concearning me so I wanted to wait until today to call my midwife but it has disappeared so I am happy about that. Other than that nothing really to update you on.

   I am now 31 weeks and 3 days and I am starting to feel the pain in my back now oh dear, its not like agonising but I can feel a strain on the bottom of my back and my hips are getting a little sore but I guess that is just because they are growing. The heartburn is still there but not as bad just now and he is still kicking away and moving specially if i am in the bath or laying down in bed at night.

   hey guys sorry I haven't updated this post in a while, I am currently 34 weeks (ohhhhh its getting close and I honestly cannot wait). Anyway as you may or may not already know I was on holiday with stuart for a week and it was my birthday last week so I have been very busy with other posts etc... so I am now on my 2 last weeks of my holiday and then I am going on maternity leave on the 19th June, which is a month earlier than what I wanted but due to some personal situation with work I had to leave earlier and plus my shoulder was still sore and giving me problems so it just made sense to just leave a month earlier which i don't mind as when I go back in march I have 5 weeks holidays to take and I only really need a week for my birthday and my little mans birthday :) so if I want I can add 3 weeks onto the end of my leave which means I am only missing out on a week :).
   So anyway 34 weeks, nothing much has happened or changed. I have been put on iron tablets as my iron was a little low. My bump has gotten way way bitter and he is moving about like crazy and my last couple of check ups everything has been 100% great. I have been having a craving for mcdonalds frozen strawberry lemonade which is just heaven haha. My feet are getting a little bit more swollen and the tiredness has come back a little same with the feeling sick in the last couple of days, but all in all I am feeling good, not to much pain (for now haha) I have had a few contractions like the little ones which just feel like period cramps and last about 5 secs and go again and I have only had 1 or 2 of theses and I have read that many women get these from 16 weeks so I am very very lucky haha. But other than this not much has happened or changed tbh :).

   I am at the end of my 34th week, I am going to be going into 35 weeks tomorrow (only 5 moreish weeks to go yipeeeee). I have been feel so tired like I have no energy to do ANYTHING. There has also been a few times where I have felt really sick but hey I can't complain I haven't had the worst pregnancy ever. I am slowly getting everything together, his nursery is ALMOST done, I just need to get the shelving so I can put his new disney photo album and his memory box on and all the disney dvds that I want to get him. I also have everything but a thermometer and a few other bits and pieces. I am growing so freaking much haha. I am doing a post (I don't know when it will be up) of my bump progress it is actually amazing to see haha. I am getting to the more uncomfortable stage now tho, I can barely get up from the sofa and I can't walk to much without getting sore haha. He has seemed to have dropped finally as I can sort of breath better. I have also been told (well this was like week 32 I think) that he was in the correct position which is always good to hear haha. I have another midwife appointment on the 20th so I will be 36 weeks yikesss haha.

   I am now 36 weeks (4 weeks to go eeeekkkkk) I am so excited I cannot wait. I just seen my midwife today and we had our update and catchup. Everything was perfect and his heartbeat sounded really good. Nothing really has changed over the past couple of weeks, i have gotten bigger like really big haha. The heartburn is sooooooooo bad right now but other than that nothing has changed. I am back loving bananas yippee and fruit in general :D.

   I am now 37 weeks today eeekkkkkk going in quick!! I wanted to update this part as I just got my first contraction or braxton hicks or how ever you spell it haha. It was so strange, it actually frightened me a little as I didn't know if this was the real thing or not. Stuart was working so I was on my own haha and I didn't know if I should call someone. It started off with being lightheaded and then I got what felt like period cramps and a sore pressure in my lower back. I then went to lay down and when I did I began to feel sick. I got 2 and I timed them on one of my apps, the first one lasted about 40 secs and a min after I got the second one which lasted 20 secs. They weren't painful I just knew something was happening if that makes sense.

   I am 38 weeks today only 2 weeks to go, again nothing has really changed that much but I haven't noticed more tightenings of my stomach, so this must mean that something is happening lol. I have still been getting a lot of heartburn.
   I am 38 weeks and 5 days now and MY WATERS HAVE BROKE!!!!!!! omg I am so excited. So I am going to leave this post here as I am going to do a labour post for you :) LETS HOPE HES HERE SOON.

Much Love 
