Mummy Diaries; What Is In My Hospital Bags

Hello My Lovelies :) x

   So it is almost time to bring my little prince into the world and I obviously need to take things with me to the hospital. So I thought you might find this either enjoyable or helpful if you are having a baby also.

   My mum gave me an old bag with 2 large compartments in for my little mans stuff. So we will go through this bag first. So I have no idea where she got it from but I wasn't fussed on having a fancy bags for taking to the hospital. In the front of the bag;  I have some dummies, Waterwipes & Muslin Cloths. Then there is this larger compartment where I have all of the clothes I want to take.

 I am defo taking this water spray I think Ill need it haha. 

Almost forgot this one haha...

Some Cotton Balls to wash my little man. 

Some bibs for him. 

Some scratch mitts just incase. 

Some fluffy and cute as hell socks these are my faves!. 

I love this and I am hoping that we bring him home in this. 

Taking a number of sleep suits. 

And body suits. 

The top and trouser are my little mans going home outfit it is sooooo cute.

And finally some cute little hats. 

   I am also taking another larger bag for all of my things, I have my breast pads, maternity pads, my little travel sized products; I have a shower gel, shampoo & conditioner, toothpaste & face wipes incase I want to take any makeup or refresh my face. I also have the nappies in here too. I have put in the clothes that I want to wear actually in the hospital as I can just wear the same clothes (different underwear obv) as I went in with. So I have a baggy top, baggy vest top, a nightshirt, nursing bras, disposable pants, an old shirt, and my navy blue shirt.

   I also have my little pink bag with some makeup, just incase I feel like I need it. Inside I have my Olay BB cream, my Mac Mascara, Nivea Lipbalm & My Dior Lip Balm. I also Put in a body butter, Deodorant & hand cream. I also brought my mini benetint. I also packed my hair brush and a bobble.

  We also got a carrier bag of snacks, magazines etc incase I was in the hospital for a number of ours, we had water and juice, sandwiches, sweets crisps and fruit. I also packed my kindle just incase and then all we need to pack is our phone charger.

   So this is everything I feel like I will need to take with me, I hope you find this helpful in some way.

Much Love 
