Fitness Diaries...1 Month Update

Hello My Lovelies :) x

   Welcome to my 1 month update... I have done a beginning post CLICK HERE<< if you want to see my before measurements etc. So I had put on ALOT of baby weight and my BMI was apparently in the obese category which I wasn't happy about. So I needed to loose the baby weight and get to my pre pregnancy weight and once I get to that stage I want to get to my end goal of 9 st.

Week 1 & 2:

The small difference from Week 1 to Week 2. You can see that my sides are loosing a little bit of weight. My inner thighs also look a little tiny bit slimmer. 

The difference from Week 1 to Week 2. Not the most flattering underwear I know haha. As you can see in one week I have lost a lot of my middle section which I am happy about but there is still so much more weight to come off. 

And the worst in my eyes, the back fat :(. I have never had skin folds before due to being overweight and I am determined to smooth them out.

Week 2 & Week 3:

As you can see here from Week 2 to Week 3 I have lost a little bit more off my sides and thighs (i feel anyway). Still got a long way to go though. 

You can definitely see the small changes in my stomach which I am so pleased with and after 6 weeks I can get exercising properly so I can get this belly more toned. So hopefully by christmas I have lost all the pregnancy weight fingers crossed.

Week 3 & Week 4: 

(add photo of week 3 and week 4)


Week 1:

So since I had Max 2 weeks early I had to begin my healthy lifestyle change early. I was planning on starting it on the 1st of August but I thought I would start capturing my weight loss from the week of having him.
So I took the first photo a couple of days after having him so as you can see I was rather big. I felt horrible and I had lost all body confidence. I have always had issues with my weight but this is the biggest I have ever been, yes I know I have just had a baby which is why I am not being too harsh on myself but I defo want to loose it and get back to being 10 st and once I get there I want to get to my goal of 9 st. I am so annoyed that I didnt get my measurements at the proper beginning I just wasnt expecting to have him 2 weeks early haha. I am still waiting on my tape measure coming from amazon haha so I won't be able to get my measurements until month 2.
I didn't begin being super healthy this week as it was just so hectic with having a new born and getting used to having a little one to look after. So I just made sure I was eating enough specially as I was breastfeeding.

Week 2:

So this week I kinda done the same made sure I was eating enough but wasn't watching what I was eating as it was too difficult with feeding Max almost every hour. I did manage to loose some weight of my stomach as I went from 13st to 12st 10lb so I am guessing that the lose was water lose. I started to notice a difference in my face it wasnt as puffy as it was when I was pregnant. I also signed up for SlimmingWorld this week. My Start weight was 12st 10lb. Which I am not happy about. I am hoping that it really helps me loose the weight. I am not in any rush I just want to know I can loose the weight.

Week 3:

So I started slimming world last week and I have put on 0.5lb :( which I am so annoyed at but tbh I haven't followed the plan exactly. I am finding it so hard to calculate all the syns and it is insane the amount of syns that are in each thing I used to eat. You don't realise how unhealthy you are until you start slimmingworld!. So I am hoping that I loose something next week even if it is that 0.5lb that I put on. I need to loose this weight. my size 16 jeans are no longer fitting me perfectly which they were when I was pregnant and the past 2 weeks so I know that the weight is slowly.

Week 4:
