The TMI Tag

Hello My Lovelies :) x

  1. What are you currently wearing? I am currently wearing black skinny jeans from Asda, A black lacy crop top bra situation as I am actually boiling haha they are also from asda. and my white fluffy slippers. 
  2. Have you ever been in love? Yes I have, I am right now. 
  3. Did you ever had a terrible breakup? Obv Course lol. I mean who hasn't. 
  4. How old are you? I am currently 24 years old :) 
  5. How tall are you? I am average (i think) haha 5ft 4
  6. How much do you weigh? Well seeing as I am currently writing this when I am still pregnant because I am that much of a organised freak haha I am currently around 12st 8 I believe. 
  7. Do you have any piercings? Yes, I have had my ears done twice and I have had my belly button done. 
  8. Do you have any tattoos? Yes, I have one on my foot which is my own design and it is a lily with "mum" written on it. The other one is a love heart with leaves and swirls etc haha on my right hand side near my hip
  9. What’s your favorite drink? ohhhhhhh non alcoholic has to be water or tea lol. Alcholic defo cocktails and my favourite cocktail is a strawberry daiquiri haha. 
  10. What’s your favorite song? I am loving Power by Little Mix at the moment 
  11. What’s your Zodiac sign? Gemini
  12. How long does it take you to shower? 5 mins if I am not washing my hair, about 15/20 mins if I do wash my hair
  13. What’s favorite show? I hate to say it but at the moment it is love island lol, but I LOVEEE the vampire diaries. 
  14. What’s your favorite bands? hmmmmm little mix, harmony, I love rock bands too. 
  15. Something you really miss? hmmmmmmm strawberry daiquiris haha
  16. Where do you go when you’re sad? no where really haha. 
  17. How long does it take you to get ready in the morning? this depends, if I need to be ready for a certain time I can be ready in 5/10 mins but if I can take my time I can take hours haha. 
  18. Have you ever been in a physical fight? Nope never. I hate violence.
  19. What turns you on? hmmmmm 
  20. What turns you off? Rude manners, someone who doesn't treat you right, liars, cheaters :) 
  21. Quality you look for in a partner? someone kind, they have to make me laugh and not be too serious, Good personality, and just someone who acts like they actually like you and want to be with you. 
  22. What’s your favorite color? mauve pink
  23. Loud music or soft? bit of both, just depends
  24. Favorite Quote? 
  25. Favorite actor? Melissa Metcalf, she is hilarious. 
  26. The reason you joined YouTube? I loved making videos, I used to make beauty videos but I just got so stressed about it all. I love vlogging as it helps keep a diary of all the important bits in my life. 
  27. Do you have any fears? What they are? Spiders, clowns and rollercoasters
  28. What’s the last thing that made you cry? a tv programme haha
  29. Meaning behind your YouTube Name? it is just my name with stuarts second name because I am not a fan of my own surname haha
  30. Last time you said you loved someone? this morning to stuart before he went to work haha
  31. Last book you read? PFTTTTT ages ago haha
  32. The book you’re currently reading? I have 1 book on my kindle and it is call killing me again 
  33. Last show you watched? Corrie haha
  34. Last place you were? Aldi doing some shopping 
  35. Last sport you played? aw god haha 
  36. Who’s the last person you talked to? Stuart
  37. Last song you sang? power by little mix haha
  38. Favorite chat up line? I hate cheesy chat up lines haha 
  39. Do you have a crush? nope, well if you count stuart then yes haha 
  40. The relationship between you and the person you last texted? boyfriend and girlfriend haha
  41. Favorite food? nachos!!! Guacamole is the best thing in life!!!
  42. Place you want to visit? I am not sure, i used to want to go to paris. 
  43. What’s the last time you kissed someone? like an hour ago haha 
  44. Last time you were insulted? hmmmmm can't really remember
  45. Favorite flavor of sweet? ohhhhhhhhhh love a blue raspberry or strawberry flavour
  46. What instruments do you play?? I can play, piano, guitar, drums, flute & piccolo
  47. Favorite piece of jewelry? My pandora bracelet and my jewellery set from stuart
  48. Have you ever used it? yes
  49. Last time you hung out with anyone? hmmmmm was out for lunch with courtney a couple of weeks ago
  50. Who should answer these questions next? Tag them…… if you've read this and are up to doing this tag lets see it :) . 

Much Love
