My Favourite Quick & Healthy Breakfast Ideas.

Hello My Lovelies :) x

   So since having Max I have literally no time to sit and eat a full breakfast and I need all the energy I can get so getting a good breakfast is key! Here are my go to quick, easy and healthy breakfast ideas and I hope they are helpful.

My Favourite Quick & Healthy Breakfast Ideas:


  • A Glass of Water; I always start of my day with a big glass of water, this helps me wake up and its always good to give your metabolism a kick start.
  • A Cup of Green Tea; I love tea, and I love a green tea in the morning, usually a normal green tea, peppermint or lemon. These are great flavours and its a great wake me up in the morning. 
  • A Glass of Orange Juice; I LOVE orange juice and a little vitamin C won't hurt in the morning. This always wakes me up and its just a great way to start the day. 
  • A Coffee; I use this as a little treat or when I really really need it. I do like a vanilla latte so I will have one of these with no sugar instead of instant. 


  • 2 Weetabix with Semi Skimmed Milk; Now I Love weetabix but I am one of those people who like it with absolutely nothing, no fruit or anything like that. This doesn't mean you can't though, banana and apples are supposed to be really nice with weetabix but I love it just plain with some milk. It releases energy slowly so I have more during the day to look after my little Max and also to do other things when he has a nap. 
  • A Small Bowl of Porridge; Now I am not the biggest fan of porridge, but I am trying to be as healthy and as smart as I can, by eating food that is not only good for me but will help me through out the day. I will add just a little bit of sugar or syrup (I know not the healthiest but it will help me eat the porridge haha)
  • Fruit Salad; I always have some sort of fruit in the fridge; grapes, apples, bananas, oranges, strawberries, watermelon and I love to just pop some into a bowl and munch on them in the morning if I don't fancy something to heavy. It is a great source of sugar and will help me with my energy through out the day. 
  • Beans & 2 Slice of Wholemeal Toast; this is one of my favourite meals thats quick to make!
Food On The Go:

  • Fruit; If I don't have time to chop up some fruit, I will quickly grab a banana and apple as these are quick and easy to eat and they are still good for me.  
  • Low Fat Yoghurts; I love the muller light yoghurts, they probably are packed with sugar but they taste great and they are quick and they can help me for an hour or two if I can't get to the cooker. 

   So these are my simple yet quick yet healthy breakfast Ideas. I never used to be a morning person and I barely ate healthy, but for Max and for my self I needed to become healthier and the mornings were the best place to begin. So I hope you enjoy this post. If you would like my recipes for the granola and energy balls let me know its really easy and you can adjust them to how you like them :).

Much Love 
