I Proposed...

Hello My Lovelies :) x

   I did it… I asked Stuart to Marry Me… and he said YES!.
I know I know it is supposed to be the man that gets down on one knee but I am not into the whole traditional way of doing things. I know I love stuart with all of my heart and I want to spend the rest of my life with him and I cannot imagine life without him.
   I have always wanted to get married and married to my soul mate, some one who makes me laugh and smile even when I'm cross with him lol.
   Yes just like any couple we moan at each other but that’s what normal couples do! We have the best life right now and even though we have only been together for nearly 2 years life has thrown us some curve balls that would probably see many people crumble but it has only made us stronger. I trust him 100 % which I never ever thought I would say in my life as I do not trust easily. He is amazing and treats me so well and I have never been happier. So what better way to express my love for this man than to plan a wedding together and propose.

   So how I did it haha, well I actually started planning this in May as I knew what I wanted to do and how I wanted to do it. So I had Plenty of time to figure out how when and where. Also my outfit!

   So I knew I wanted to do it on stuarts birthday so that was Saturday 16th December 2017. So I made sure Max was staying over with my mum that night and I prebooked a table at the restaurant I took him to the previous year which was Orocco Pier which is in South Queensferry. I took him there for his 31st last year so I thought it would be nice to revisit it then and give him his birthday gift…

   I bought him a silver French Connection watch, didn’t really matter of the brand I just liked the way it looked, and I wanted something other than a ring as I didn’t know his size and it would make it so obvious if I took him to get his ring finger messured so I thought this was the best way also my auntie elaine gave me the idea aswell and I just thought it was brilliant.
   So I got it engraved at Timpsons which is a company near me who do key cutting, watch fixing and engraving and I got the back of the watch engraved "Will You Marry Me? X". I wrapped it up and gave him it during the main and desert.
   This time I was able to drink which was AMAZING haha as I was pregnant with Max the last time we came but it was still really good.

    Anyway this is how I proposed and I am so so happy he said yes.

   I cannot wait to organise the wedding and be married to him it will be another best day of my life.

   Much Love

