Happy New Year...

Hello My Lovelies :) x

   HAPPY NEW YEAR!! I hope you all had an amazing 2017 and I also hope 2018 will be an even better year for you all :). I had an amazing 2017 it has been the best year yet for me.
   I am planning on doing a few different posts for you all, I want to do one on what I do yearly to make my year run more smoothly. I also want to show my best moments of 2017 and what I want to achieve this year. This post is simply to say Happy New Year.

   I know this isnt on a typical Tuesday or Sunday but it wouldn't make sense to say Happy New Year on the 2nd or 7th haha.

   So to make this post a little bit more interesting I am going to just stick in a little UPDATE on my youtube channel and blog.

My Youtube Channel

   So for my youtube channel, I have changed the name to it's time for tea, just because I actually love this name and I am not officially Alana Duncan YET! lol so this made sense in my head. It will still be a weekly vlog channel, but I want to add in more fitness & slimming world sections as I am currently obsessed with getting fit and loosing weight. I am also wanting to put more of an effort with my editing and thumbnails so be prepared as I am so excited haha. 

My Blog

   Again I have changed the name of my blog to the same as my youtube channel; it's time for tea. This is again for the same reason as my youtube channel. I am not going to be changing much of the content but there will be more fitness posts so I hope you don't mind. 

   So anyway that is all I really wanted to let you guys in on. Be on the look out for my other new year  posts :). 

Much Love
