Mummy Diaries

Hello My Lovelies :) x

   Welcome to my MUMMY DIARIES section of my blog, here i am going to be keeping a sort of diary of my pregnancy, keeping you all updated on how my pregnancy is going and what has happened over the certain weeks or trimesters.

   So this post is going to be a little overview of the my pregnancy so far and I am planning on doing 3 separate trimester videos also.

   So lets start with TODAY (i have had these pregnancy posts in my notes for a couple of months and I have now decided to share them with you ha ha so this is why this is from months ago, I hope you don't mind); Today is Wednesday 22nd Feb 2017, it is 14.40pm and I am working at 16:00pm (I don't know why I felt like I needed to tell you all this ha ha). I am currently 19 weeks and 2 days pregnant and my due date is 17th July 2017 (17-07-17) now that is a lot of 7s ha ha, at this current moment we don't  know what we are having, I am waiting to go for my second scan on Friday which honestly feels like it has been FOREVER!!

   So now you know where we are at RIGHT now, Lets go back to September 2016 where I found out I was pregnant. 

   Lets just begin with saying I was never regular (if you get me, ladies you probably do) I also way got my period around the 22nd - 25th of the month never before hardly every after. September 22nd comes around and I am getting the cramps like I normally would, so I was waiting and expecting a period but nothing. The 23rd, 24th and 25th went by and still nothing but I was still getting the cramps and the other usual symptoms of an expectant period. It got to the stage where I was nearly a week late, which for me even thought I wasn’t regular was a little strange. So on my way to work that day I went to tesco and picked up the clear blue pregnancy tests. And I did one as soon as I could, but it came up negative. So I put pregnancy to the back of my mind and I just thought it could just be that this one occasion I am really late for some reason, stress? Coming of the implant? (which I came off in May so I have no idea if this was even a possibility). Because I was a little worried I did take the second test a week later as I still hadn't had a period and again came back negative so that was that for me I just thought it could have been stress or coming of the implant which apparently is a side effect that it can mess with your cycle.
   The first week in October rolls around but still no period which  was okay as I thought it was something to do with the implant or something but I was still getting the really bad cramps and really sore breasts.  One day I just had a gut feeling to go get more tests I don’t know why or I couldn’t tell you what feeling I got I just knew I needed to go get more tests to see if I could be pregnant. So I went and this time got some of the really cheap £1 ones from B&M. I was going to wait until the next morning as it suggests but if you know me I am too impatient and I took one as soon as I got in the house. I waited for 3 - 5 min and there it was 2 BOLD CLEAR LINES!!!! I had to look twice as I thought I was seeing things ha ha but yes it was a definite positive!!! I went running to Stuart who was so happy and surprised and shocked ha ha. TBH this has to be the best moment of my life SO FAR!

   So that is how we found out a lot of waiting about and all that but it was very well worth it. We waiting a good couple of months until we told anyway expect my manager at work as he needs to make sure I am not doing specific work to harm the baby or myself. I was very worried as most people are because anything can happen in the first 12 weeks.

   I called the Doctor about 2/3 days later and just asked "help, what do I do next?" they probably laughed at the thought I didn’t know what to do ha ha, but they made me an appointment with the midwife, when I went to see her she gave me a couple of books, my record book, vitamins, and went through my weight, blood pressure all that good stuff to make sure I was okay. And then she said she had to transfer me to my more local doctor as I had moved from my parents house in with Stuart.

   So anyway a few weeks go by and the first midwife wanted me to get my thyroid checked as I have had half of mine removed (if you want to know more I can do a post ha ha) She made me an appointment which I went to and everything was good and then she gave us our  FIRST SCAN DATE! 16 - 12 - 2016 which is Stuart's birthday which was in his words the best present he has ever received :D.

   So on the 16th we went to the hospital and went in for our scan and there was this little blob on the screen! It was amazing to see and you can clearly see the little white dot which is the heart and it was beating away omg I never get emotional but I nearly teared up ha ha. Even though I knew I was pregnant it still didn’t feel real to me yet ha ha. I then had to get blood taken and she gave us our second scan date which was 23 - 2 - 2017.
   So on the first scan it only showed me as being 9 weeks pregnant at the time which was a little annoying as it put me back  3 weeks ha ha which I suppose was okay but just made the pregnancy seem that bit longer ha ha.

   So between my first and second scan I only had another 2 appointments which were with my local nurse to get my flu jag and my whooping cough jag, which was fine as I'm not afraid of needles.

   So telling our family and friends, we decided to tell them after we have our first scan, I copied all of the scan photos and popped them into Christmas cards for all of the family. My mum was so happy and my dad was shocked and very happy. It was so nice to see them as excited as we were about it. I then went to my grans house and she was too busy speaking to us whilst opening the card at the same time, when she opened the card and the photo fell out she was like "whats that??" I was like it’s a baby scan and she said "who's baby scan" ha ha I just laughed and said mine and she started crying ha ha. It was so cute.

    So that’s is where we are at right now so I think it is a good time to end this post if you have even made it to the end ha ha. Keep following my blog to keep up to date with my pregnancy and everything else that I will be posting on my blog

Much Love

