Our Second Family Holiday...Our TO DO List.

Hello My Lovelies :) x

   I have just posted on how I begin to get organised when it comes to going on holiday. So now I have figured out when I am going to begin packing and what I am packing on each day and what I am doing the night before etc I can now get a TO DO LIST sorted after that will be a Checklist (yes this is probably a little excessive but it just makes life so much easier and less stressful).


  1. Pack all of the Swimming stuff, this is essential as we do not need this stuff right now and I can make sure we ACTUALLY take it this time as we forgot stuarts shorts last time haha. 
  2. Pack 2 Swimming Towels, so towels we do not used on a day to day basis. 
  3. Start Packing all of the clothes, shoes, jackets etc.
  4. Go to Boots to pick up my prescription.
  1. Pack our toiletries & towels (leave 1 each to use on sunday & monday)
  2. Pack the makeup I want to take, any perfume, deodorant, fake tan.
  3. Pack any jewellery I want to take with me. 
  4. Pack the foods we can take from our house, tea, sugar, coffee etc.
  1.  Deep Clean the house & make sure there is no washing left.
  2. Make sure there is enough petrol in the car, if not go get some.
  3. Pack away all of mollys stuff, food, doggy bags, treats. 
  4. Pamper night; 
  • Wash Hair
  • Haircare (once used pack away products)
  • Fake Tan
  • Do Nails
  • Pluck Eye brows
  • Skincare (once used nighttime products pack them away).
  1. Look out emails that I need.
  2. Get the directions on maps.
  3. Go to aldi to get food supplies for the week. 
  4. Make sure I have everything packed & begin packing the car.
  5. Make Sure I have my tablets
  6. Pack away mollys bowls. 
  7. Make sure I have my laptop, camera & phone. with all chargers.

   So that is our to do list for our holiday, I am so excited and this makes it so much easier to enjoy haha. 

Much Love
