Fitness Diaries; Monthly Update - Month 1

Hello My Lovelies :) x

   So I started my new healthy lifestyle on August the 1st 2017, I decided to start it a couple of weeks after having Max so I could give my body time to heal. I still didn't do any extreme exercising as I know your not suppose to in the first 6 - 8 weeks. So I will begin my more vigorous exercise in the next month or so. So since I can't do much exercise I needed to focus on my actual diet. I needed to cut out junk food and drink and begin to eat properly not only for me but for Max also.

   So here is where I started on the 1st August:

(add the before photo)

   If you want to know exact measurements go to this post HERE << I have logged all of my before weight there :).

   Here is my one month after shot:

(add the 1 month photo here)

   So now I have gotten that out of the way, which isn't easy but I am hoping showing these will help push me to loose the weight. Many women don't care about the baby weight but I just feel so unconfident and I want to be more energetic so getting healthy and to a healthy weight is all I am going for at the moment.

   So now I will go into my food diary, for the first month of so I want to keep the weeks the same, so it would be easy to know what I was having etc... so I will just do the first week and then you will know what I had on the following 3 weeks (just to keep this post from being super long haha).



8am - 9am:

 Pre Breakfast: Glass of Water (plain or with a slice of lemon)

Breakfast: Bowl of 2 Weetabix with Semi Skimmed Milk & a Banana.

10am - 11am:

Snack 1: An Apple & A Handfull of Almonds, with a Bottle of Water

12pm - 1pm:

Lunch: Tuna Wrap on Wholemeal Wraps (Tuna drained, Lowfat Mayo with a little bit of lettuce), with a bottle of water.

3pm - 4pm:

Snack 2: Low Fat Greek Yoghurt and a Bottle of Water

5pm - 6pm:

Dinner: Sweet Chilli Chicken with Rice and a Bottle of Water

7pm - 8pm:

Bedtime Drink: Cup of Decaf Green Tea.

(add photos of all the food)


8am - 9am:

 Pre Breakfast: Glass of Water (plain or with a slice of lemon)

Breakfast: Small Bowl of Porridge with A Sprinkle of Sugar & a Banana with a Bottle Of Water

10am - 11am:

Snack 1: Handfull of Almonds & Grapes with a Bottle of Water

12pm - 1pm:

Lunch: Fruit Salad with a Bottle of Water

3pm - 4pm:

Snack 2: Banana & an Orange with a Bottle of Water

5pm - 6pm:

Dinner: Salmon with Baby Potatoes with a Bottle of Water

7pm - 8pm:

Bedtime Drink: Cup of Decaf Green Tea

(add photos of the food that isn't shown yet)


8am - 9am:

 Pre Breakfast: Glass of Water (plain or with a slice of lemon)

Breakfast: Bowl of Weetabix with Semi Skimmed Milk & a Banana with a Bottle of water

10am - 11am:

Snack 1: Fat Free Greek Yoghurt with a Bottle of Water

12pm - 1pm:

Lunch: Bowl of Soup with a slice of Brown Bread with a Bottle of Water

3pm - 4pm:

Snack 2:  Small Box of Grapes, Bottle of Water

5pm - 6pm:

Dinner: Sweet Chilli Chicken & Rice with a bottle of water. 

7pm - 8pm:

Bedtime Drink: Cup of Decaf Green Tea

(add photos of the food that isn't shown yet)


8am - 9am:

 Pre Breakfast: Glass of Water (plain or with a slice of lemon)

Breakfast: Scrambled Egg (2 eggs), A Banana & Bottle of Water

10am - 11am:

Snack 1: Fat Free Greek Yoghurt with a Bottle of Water

12pm - 1pm:

Lunch: Fruit Salad with a Bottle of Water

3pm - 4pm:

Snack 2: Small Box of Grapes, Bottle of Water

5pm - 6pm:

Dinner: Gammon Steak & Baby Potatos with a Bottle of Water

7pm - 8pm:

Bedtime Drink: Cup of Decaf Green Tea

(add photos of the food that hasn't been shown yet)


8am - 9am:

 Pre Breakfast: Glass of Water (plain or with a slice of lemon)

Breakfast: Bowl of Bran flakes with Semi Skimmed Milk, Bottle of water & a Banana.

10am - 11am:

Snack 1:Fat Free Greek Yoghurt with a Bottle of Water

12pm - 1pm:

Lunch: Bowl of Soup with a slice of Brown Bread with a Bottle of Water

3pm - 4pm:

Snack 2: Small Box of Grapes, Bottle of Water

5pm - 6pm:

Dinner: Steak & Baby Potatoes 

7pm - 8pm:

Bedtime Drink: Cup of Decaf Green Tea

(add photos of the food that isnt shown yet)


8am - 9am:

 Pre Breakfast: Glass of Water (plain or with a slice of lemon)

Breakfast: Scrambled eggs (2 eggs) with a Banana & Bottle of Water

10am - 11am:

Snack 1: An Apple & A Handfull of Almonds, with a Bottle of Water

12pm - 1pm:

Lunch:  Fruit Salad with a Bottle of Water

3pm - 4pm:

Snack 2: Small Box of Grapes, Bottle of Water

5pm - 6pm:

Dinner: Spag Bol with a Bottle of water

7pm - 8pm:

Bedtime Drink: Cup of Decaf Green Tea

(add photos of the food that isnt shown yet)


8am - 9am:

 Pre Breakfast: Glass of Water (plain or with a slice of lemon)

Breakfast: Bowl of 2 Weetabix with Semi Skimmed Milk & a Banana.

10am - 11am:

Snack 1: Fat Free Greek Yoghurt with a Bottle of Water

12pm - 1pm:

Lunch: Bowl of Soup with a slice of Brown Bread with a Bottle of Water

3pm - 4pm:

Snack 2: An Apple & A Handfull of Almonds, with a Bottle of Water

5pm - 6pm:

Dinner: Roast Chicken Dinner (chicken, Baby Potatos, Yorkshire Puddings)

7pm - 8pm:

Bedtime Drink: Cup of Decaf Green Tea

(add photos of the food that isnt shown yet)


8am - 9am:

 Pre Breakfast:  Glass of Water (plain or with a slice of lemon)

Breakfast: Bowl of 2 Weetabix with Semi Skimmed Milk & a Banana.

10am - 11am:

Snack 1: An Apple & A Handfull of Almonds, with a Bottle of Water

12pm - 1pm:

Lunch: Bowl of Soup with a slice of Brown Bread with a Bottle of Water

3pm - 4pm:

Snack 2: Small Box of Grapes, Bottle of Water 

5pm - 6pm:

Dinner: Chicken salad (chicken, lettiuce, cheese & a salad dressing) with a bottle of water.

7pm - 8pm:

Bedtime Drink:Cup of Decaf Green Tea

(add photos of the food that isnt shown yet)

   So this is my food diary or the first month, I have to be honest by the end I did end up getting bored of the same food but I was determined not to eat rubbish. As I said before I didn't want to go into exercise right away so I am going to focus on my eating first for the first month and then next month start adding in small exercises like walking, swimming etc, nothing too extreme to begin with. 
   I feel so less bloated whilst drinking all this water which I am loving, I haven't even been tempted to go for a cola or fizzy drink!
