Happy New Year...What I Do To Get Organised.

Hello My Lovelies :) x

   So yesterday I posted my first blog post of 2018 CLICK HERE <. So I always do these steps in the first week of January. These simple steps help me out a lot throughout the year, so I wanted to post them to maybe see if they can be of some help to others. I am a planning person. I love to make plans and to do lists, it helps me out so much. Specially with a new baby lol, this to be honest it is very difficult to keep to my to do lists and plans but they do still help to keep me head focused.

The Steps I Do To Make My Year More Easy:

  • Have A Wardrobe Clearout. I do this at least twice a year for seasonal things, but I always always do this in the first week of the year and I get rid of EVERYTHING that is Old & Too Small/Big. I also get rid of anything I know I haven't worn in a few months just because I don't like it. I also get rid off all my underwear and I buy brand new stuff. I also go through all of my shoes and get rid of shoes I haven't worn in a while either. This step just helps to get a routine going with your clothes, it allows me to go through and see what I actually have. It also helps me rediscover clothes I haven't worn in a while but I actually will in the new seasons. 
  • I Buy A New Bullet Journal. I freaking LOVE my bullet journal. In my previous one I star all the sections I want to keep and transfer over to my brand new one which I get EVERY YEAR. I love this book so much it keeps me creative and it also keeps me happy with my routines and to do lists and planning. I love to keep appointments and to do lists in my bullet journal.
  • I Buy A New Note Book For Slimmingworld. I like to keep a sort of scrapbook diary sort of thing for my weight lose journey. I keep just a simple book and I use this to pop in photos and my meal planning and the syns I have eaten that day etc. It helps me stay on track. I know I only started in July so the first book isnt exactly finished but it just helps me stay on track to do it yearly so I buy a new book for it. 
  • I Buy ALL Of My Cards. So this may seem a little bit obsessive but honestly it helps so much, I am not at the last min rushing around for cards for birthdays and other occasions. So in the first week I go out and get all of the cards for; Birthdays, Anniversaries, Mothers Day/Fathers day(I usually need to get these online), Christmas cards (yes I am that sad but at least I have them ready to go at the end of the year). So getting all of this done in the first week just helps so much when it comes to the dates.

   So these are the little things I do at the beginning of every year and it just helps to sort out your whole year and make it a bit less stressful. 

Much Love 
